
📈 A Chart Component built with React, Lightweight-Charts, Styled Components

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A Chart Component built with react and lightweight-charts - by debased dao


Documentation for react-dex-chart

Getting Started

These instructions will help guide you to get and setup a copy of this library into to your own local repository and using it.


Feel free to use the package manager of your choice:

NPM: npm install react react-dom react-dex-chart

Yarn: yarn add react react-dom react-dex-chart


If you are not interested in contributing to this repo and only in setting the chart up, skip to the part ahead.


cd react-dex-chart && npm install

sudo npm link

Inside of your testing project:

npm link react-dex-chart

npm run start

Setup the chart as usual to get started with development

Building react-dex-chart:

npm run build

Setting up the chart and its settings

Create your own themes

You can setup your own color schemes, or only allow a singular theme:

const darkTheme: Theme = {
  name: 'dark',
  //default for now
  candleStickConfig: {

  histogramConfig: {


  chartLayout: {
      layout: {
          backgroundColor: "rgba(7, 7, 28, 1)",
          lineColor: "#2B2B43",
          textColor: "#D9D9D9",
      grid: {
          vertLines: {
              color: "rgba(250, 250, 250, .1)",
          horzLines: {
              color: "rgba(250, 250, 250, .1)",

Configure settings, and add your own:

    timezone: {
        locale: '-4 UCT (NY)',
        showSessions: false,
    trade: {
        showExecutions: true,
        showOrders: true,
        showPositions: true,
        extendLines: true,
        playSound: true,

    background: {
        gradient: false,
        color: undefined

View example project

Why this library?

Mainly to not have a huge clutter of files in your repo, while also making an extended and easier to use charting library with an as least possible setup required and many options.


Find documentation here

We recommend using component states for settings, and allowing them to be updated to improve UX.